the POOL is an innovative branding and design agency, founded by Shimrit Cohen (Shimi).
the POOL goal is to lead and create accessibility for brands to the new, changing and technological world.
Like its name, the POOL is an endless pool of ideas, inspirations, insights, layers, colors, communication forms and more
I work with a changing designers pool, and all designs are made by my talented & unique designers pool.

A visionary person who loves the new world.
A multipotential woman with a wide range and varied points of view on Lifes' experiences which loves to connect people to their brands, products and projects.
Therefore, the POOL is a combination of both of my loves: Strategy & Design.
As one with holistic perspective on life, I believe EVERYTHING connects; people, processes, global trends, brands, inward, outward, essence and form, through which I create brands. I came to realize that every business has its own unique frequency and my game is to help you find it and give it a visual expression;
A shape, a form, a face, a name and above all a personality.
In a constantly changing world, I believe we need to adjust by being flexible & Custom made.
My projects reflect my vision of a Brand New World.
To get to know me better:



Designers : If you want me to deal with your client and manage your project in all management aspects including budget and administration.
If you want a focal point with a broad perspective on all changing factors of the business, one which completes you through the whole process of creating a brand; the research, strategic and the final product.
I’ll be happy to collaborate with you.
Businesses : If you want someone to lead the branding process along with the designer and by guiding them through.
someone who would understand you and your company, and will succeed mediating your desires and vision by managing the project with knowledge and tools.
I’ll be happy to collaborate with you.
Creating a unique identity by a custom-made strategy, holistic and broad point of view along with innovative vision.
Suitable for : Any kind of a business; company, product, project, start up, place & service that needs to establish a branding process, either by creating a new brand or by decomposing and recomposing the old existing brand
Building strategies for businesses who wish to learn how to manage themselves in the new world by looking through all changing factors in their inner and outer world.
I work on a Self-Hacking Management base, which means:
to get to know yourself and work with that.
Suitable for : Independent people

I believe in transparency and collaboration.
I have all sub-vendors starting with developers, copywriters, content writers, interface designers and more, in order to take your idea from vision to reality.
Therefore, see me as your partner and a part of your success.